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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Moon Lit Bay

Walking down the moon lit bay
Enjoying holding her hand

Her dress is sky blue
With little yellow flowers
Placed on randomly

She starts to sing a song
One she wrote when she was young
She had done no bad

So pure, I shed a tear of joy
She sang lovely for hours
It never got old

I knew she wrote it from her heart
Every sentence was so true and bold

Finishing her song
We look each in each others eyes
We then smile

Feeling the love swarm all around us
We touch lips

An overwhelming shock
Goes throughout my body
There was no denial

My eyes closed
I picture us in a
Red rose garden

She's in white
I'm in black

A man in white
Tells us how
We shall live together

I then open my eyes
We have fallen in love
Walking down the moon lit bay

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